Since 1992...

Birlesik Yazilim started its professional journey as a business software producer with the aim of providing solutions to workplace challenges.

It began its journey by addressing MRP (Material Requirements Planning) issues in manufacturing companies and evolved by adding solutions for various departments, resulting in the creation of the DinamoERP+ product. DinamoERP+ is designed in accordance with globally accepted standards.

About Us
About Us

With its flexible and functional structure, DinamoAPS+ has successfully become a leading ERP software, especially in manufacturing companies. Today, it is utilized in nearly twenty industries and more than 250 firms. After years of research and development, the DinamoAPS+ product, addressing finite capacity planning, advanced planning, and scheduling issues, was completed in 2022 through a TÜBİTAK Project.

DinamoPlus provides solutions to business challenges with its two main products, DinamoERP+ and DinamoAPS+, along with integrated auxiliary products for the main offerings.

DinamoPlus continues to adapt to the evolving conditions of the business world and the changing regulations in our country. It expands its application scope to ensure integration across all departments in different sectors, aiming to create a robust and reliable bridge in order to meet the challenges posed by the dynamic business environment and regulatory changes.

DinamoPlus invites you to join its growing world as it continues to evolve.

Meet Our Team

Team Member

Metin Çobanoğlu

Chairman of the Board
Team Member

Erdost Onur Berktaş

Managing Partner
Team Member

Burak Akkuş

Software Director
Team Member

Ayla Gündüz

Financial Accounting Manager
Team Member

Meltem Berkyez

Corporate Communications Manager

Let Us Call You

For more detailed information and all your questions, please contact us, and we'll give you a call.